In Emi Watanabe Cohen’s debut fantasy middle grade novel THE LOST RYŪ (Levine Querido, 2022) set in 1965, Kohei Fujiwara embarks on a search for a big ryū, a type of dragon that disappeared after World War II. Although Kohei…
Jewish Book Carnival – June 2022
The Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, has been posted for June 2022. Our host this month is Erika Dreifus at The My Machberet blog. You can see the Carnival here, where you will find…
Interview with Pamela Ehrenberg and Tracy López, authors of DETOUR AHEAD
I am thrilled to welcome Pamela Ehrenberg and Tracy López to discuss their new middle-grade novel, DETOUR AHEAD (PJ Publishing, 2022). Pamela is a lovely, longtime friend. I have interviewed her about several of her wonderful books over the years.…
Interview with Sylvia Rouss, author of SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST ABC
Sylvia Rouss’s beloved children’s series SAMMY THE SPIDER has introduced young readers to many Jewish holidays, customs, and celebrations for over two decades. In her newest book, SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST ABC (Kar-Ben, 2022) illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn, Sammy learns…
Interview with Amalia Hoffman, author of MY HANDS MAKE THE WORLD
Author/illustrator Amalia Hoffman’s new board book, MY HANDS MAKE THE WORLD (PJ Publishing, 2022), offers a delightful take on the story of creation. The illustrations include engaging, bright colors and fun painted illustrations featuring artistic elements and techniques like paint…
Interview with Betsy R. Rosenthal, author of WHEN LIGHTNIN’ STRUCK
I’m excited to share my interview with Betsy R. Rosenthal about her middle-grade novel WHEN LIGHTNIN’ STRUCK (Kar-Ben, 2022). I have known Betsy for many years, and it’s always a special treat to celebrate a friend’s new book. WHEN LIGHTNIN’ STRUCK…
Interview with Kate Hannigan, author of BLIPS ON A SCREEN: How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession
Kate Hannigan’s new picture book biography BLIPS ON A SCREEN: How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession (Knopf, 2022) illustrated by Zachariah OHora tells the interesting story of Ralph Baer, a Jewish refugee who invented…
Cover Reveal for APPLES, APPLES, ALL YEAR ROUND by Barbara Bietz and June Sobel
My coauthor June Sobel and I are so excited to share the cover reveal of our new picture book, APPLES, APPLES, ALL YEAR ROUND (Apples & Honey Press), launching in August 2022. The illustrations by Ruth Waters are absolutely delightful.…
Interview with Barbara Newman, author of THE DREAMCATCHER CODES
Happy Earth Day! In Barbara Newman’s YA novel, THE DREAMCATCHER CODES (Green Writers Press, 2021), four teenage girls are entrusted with saving the planet from environmental destruction. Along the way, they share and learn about their diverse backgrounds, gleaning insights…
Interview with Leah Scheier, author of THE LAST WORDS WE SAID
I am pleased to welcome author Leah Scheier, author of the novel THE LAST WORDS WE SAID (Simon & Schuster, 2021) which was chosen as a 2022 Sydney Taylor Young Adult Honor Book. The story focuses on a trio of…