
September Jewish Book Carnival

Shana Tova, Friends! What better way to kick off the New Year than some terrific reading. Here are the links for this month’s Jewish Book Carnival: Over at The Book of Life podcast learn about the new picture book American…

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Jane Kohuth – Who’s Got The Etrog?

It is such a pleasure to introduce Jane Kohuth, another wonderful author I met at the Yiddish Book Center TENT program. I was already a fan of Jane’s books, including Esty the Mensh and Anne Frank’s Chestnut Tree. Jane’s newest book is a …

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Welcome Hava Ben-Zvi – We Who Lived

I am honored to introduce Chava Ben Zvi to my blog. Chava is a teacher, librarian, and survivor. Her personal story is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. Following her retirement, Hava became a writer. Her books include Eva’s Journey: A Young Girl’s True…

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