
A Restorative Workshop for Writers

I’m pleased to share info about a wonderful workshop my friend Barbara Krasner is offering. Is this workshop right for you?

You know you have them–every writer does.

The drawer of manuscripts you want to revise but you’re not sure what they need. The box of SASEs under the bed with rejection slips still inside. The folder of stories on your computer you’ve never finished.

Now’s the time to dig them out and bring them to a restorative workshop with an author-editor team that specializes in manuscript rescue! We’ll show you how to identify what isn’t working and how to fix it.

Our time together will help you…

  • Recognize the red flags in your manuscripts
  • Begin revising a manuscript of your choice with expert and peer consultations
  • Apply these principles to your other manuscripts when you return home.

Visit The Whole Megillah to learn more!
