Julie Silverstein and Tami Schlossberg Pruwer’s picture book CHUTZPAH GIRLS: 100 TALES OF DARING JEWISH WOMEN (Toby Press, 2024) features 100 biographies and portraits of impactful Jewish women and girls throughout the ages. From artists to activists, biblical figures, and more, CHUTZPAH GIRLS is a beautifully illustrated collection that introduces important figures whose contributions have impacted the world. I look forward to learning more about the creation of this wonderful book. Welcome, Julie and Tami!
CHUTZPAH GIRLS uniquely profiles Jewish girls and women across time and geography, from biblical figures to athletes, artists, scientists, and more. How did the idea for the book come about, and how did you determine the people you would include?
The idea for Chutzpah Girls was born out of a desire to create a book that celebrates Jewish women and girls who have shaped history with their courage, resilience, and determination. Throughout history, Jewish women have faced double discrimination—as women and as Jews—and their stories have often been overshadowed or overlooked, even within the Jewish community. We wanted to rectify this historical bias by shining a light on their incredible achievements across time and space. As Jewish women ourselves, we felt deeply that there was a need for such a book, especially one that spans the Torah to the present day and embraces diverse fields like science, sports, arts, and activism.
[Julie] The inspiration for the book became even more personal when my two oldest children had their Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah one year apart. Both put in equal preparation, dedicating many hours of work over the course of a year. However, my son received holy books as gifts, while my daughter received mostly jewelry and handbags. I realized that even in what I considered to be a highly educated religious community, there were still subconscious differences in the way we treat our girls and boys. This realization fueled my determination to create a resource highlighting the importance and impact of Jewish women throughout history.
Determining who to include was both a joy and a challenge. We started with a list of nearly 1,000 women, aiming to ensure diversity in geography, era, fields of contribution, and Jewish background or experience. We wanted to include well-known figures alongside lesser-known ones to inspire a sense of discovery and curiosity. Ultimately, we narrowed it down to 100 women whose achievements exemplified Chutzpah—boldness, courage, and audacity—and whose stories could inspire readers of all ages.
At the same time, we recognize that our book is an incomplete list of daring Jewish women, and that is precisely the point. There are too many incredible stories to include them all, and we hope to write and share more of their stories in future books and projects.

What was your research process like?
Our research process was extensive and meticulous. We delved into biographies, archives, academic articles, and oral histories. For contemporary figures, we relied on interviews, news sources, and personal accounts. We also collaborated with historians and subject-matter experts to verify facts and uncover lesser-known stories.
Each profile was a journey of discovery, and often, one story would lead us to another. For example, while researching women in STEM, we uncovered trailblazers who weren’t well-documented but deserved recognition. It was thrilling to uncover these hidden stories and bring them to light.
Is there anything you discovered in your research that didn’t make it into the book but you’d like readers to know?
Yes, one of the biggest challenges we faced was the limited space available for each profile. We decided to dedicate one short page to each woman, which meant choosing to focus on a pivotal life moment rather than creating exhaustive biographies. This approach allowed us to zoom in on how each woman overcame a specific challenge, making the book more of a meditation on resilience and overcoming adversity rather than a broad sweep of achievements.
Given that our target audience is ages 8-14, we prioritized themes that would resonate most with them, such as body image, self-confidence, and perseverance. While we did discuss the Holocaust and antisemitism, we avoided darker and more complex topics suited for adult audiences, such as violence against women and suicide. For this reason, we chose not to include specific figures, like the biblical character Dina, for example, whose story involves difficult themes.
By focusing on relatable and age-appropriate challenges, we aimed to create a book that could inspire young readers while sparking curiosity about these remarkable women. Ultimately, we hope Chutzpah Girls is a gateway to further exploration and deeper conversations about Jewish women’s contributions to history.

Co-writing is a unique partnership. How did you establish and maintain your writing process and teamwork?
There is a common perception that women can’t get along, undermine each other, or are often jealous of one another. We actively challenged this stereotype by working together as two strong women, leveraging each other’s unique strengths and fostering a partnership built on mutual respect and collaboration. Whenever we faced challenges, like trimming down profiles or selecting specific stories, we approached them as a team. The process strengthened our friendship and deepened our shared passion for the project.
Every “Chutzpah Girl” profiled in the book is accompanied by a uniquely beautiful portrait. Can you tell me about the many artists who contributed to the book and how they were chosen for the project?
We knew from the start that we wanted the artwork to be as bold and diverse as the stories themselves. To achieve this, we commissioned 12 Jewish female artists from around the world, each of whom brought their unique life experiences and artistic styles to the project, creating a vibrant tapestry of perspectives.
The selection process involved reaching out to artists whose work resonated with us. Each artist was paired with a story that aligned with their style and sensibilities, resulting in portraits that bring the profiles to life. Together, their work forms a bold and dynamic collection that captures the essence of these women, especially those who lived long ago and are, therefore, harder to visualize and connect with.
What were your thoughts when you first saw the art?
Seeing each portrait for the first time was magical. They brought a new dimension to the stories, capturing the essence of the women profiled in ways that words alone could not. We were often moved to tears by how the artists interpreted these incredible women. The variety of styles—from bold and modern to delicate and intricate—added layers of richness to the book. It was an honor to see the vision come to life so vividly.

The Jewish community has been facing many challenges in the past year. How has your experience writing and publishing CHUTZPAH GIRLS been impacted by these challenges?
Writing and publishing Chutzpah Girls during a time of increased antisemitism and division has deepened our commitment to the book’s message. We’ve faced hurdles, including launching the book on the very day an industry-wide boycott of Jewish and Israeli books was announced. Yet, the response to Chutzpah Girls has been overwhelmingly positive, proving that stories of courage and resilience are more important than ever. This experience has also reinforced our belief in the power of representation. By sharing the stories of Jewish women who have faced adversity and triumphed, we hope to inspire pride, resilience, and unity in our community. It’s been humbling to see how the book has resonated, and we’re more motivated than ever to continue this work.
Thank you, Julie and Tami!
Julie Silverstein is a co-author of Chutzpah Girls: 100 Tales of Daring Jewish Women (Koren). Julie wrote Chutzpah Girls to honor the daring Jewish men and women in her life, like her grandmother, who, as a girl in Germany, bravely confronted the Nazi police to demand the release of her father from unjust detention. She hopes this book will be a key that un-locks the stories of chutzpah in your family.
Tami Schlossberg Pruwer is a co-author of Chutzpah Girls: 100 Tales of Daring Jewish Women. Tami comes from and married into lineages of strong Jewish women. She wrote this book in their honor and to inspire her children with the heroines of their heritage. She can’t wait to hear who your favorite Chutzpah Girl is!
Thanks, Barbara, Julie, and Tammy. I’ve been looking for a book like this! I have a middle-grade novel coming out this spring that features a Jewish girl with chutzpah, and one of the things I’ve been planning to do is highlight the contributions of a different Jewish woman each time I do an event. Your book sounds perfect!
Thanks so much, Laurie! Congrats on your new book!