Welcome to the June 2024 Jewish Book Carnival. I hope you have a chance to check out these interesting links. Thanks for visiting Jewish Books for Kids…and More!

The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere. Sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries, it is hosted by a different blog each month and shares book reviews, author interviews, essays, and other blog posts about Jewish books. Visit the Jewish Book Carnival HQ for the upcoming schedule, past Carnivals, and to learn how to participate!
- This month Gila Green hosts author Sally Wiener Grotta who shares her journey as an “accidental Biblical student.”
- Each week on her My Machberet blog, Erika Dreifus curates a selection of Jewish Literary Links. Here’s one recent post.
- On her blog Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah interviewed Ruth Behar about her new middle grade novel, Across So Many Seas.
- Sally Wiener Grotta chats with fellow author Ellen Kushner about fantasy, feminism & Judaism. The video from Sally’s “What If? Why Not? How?” series includes Ellen reading from her children’s book “The Golden Dreidel,” which she developed so Jewish children could have their own “Nutcracker” story for Chanukah. sallywienergrotta.com/2024/06/07/sally-wiener-grotta-chats-with-fellow-author-ellen-kushner-about-fantasy-feminism-judaism/
- Author Lesléa Newman and illustrator Susan Gal appear on The Book of Life Podcast to talk about their picture book Joyful Song: A Naming Story. https://jewishbooks.blogspot.com/2024/06/joyful-song-with-leslea-newman-susan-gal.html
- The Sydney Taylor Shmooze blog reviews Jewish children’s books all year round. Here’s a recent review for the young adult romance Past Present Future, Rachel Lynn Solomon’s sequel to Today Tonight Tomorrow. https://www.sydneytaylorshmooze.com/2024/06/review-past-present-future.html
- On the Nice Jewish Books podcast from the Association of Jewish Libraries, Sheryl Stahl interviews author Leah Hagar Cohen about her novel To & Fro. https://jewishlibraries.org/two-girls-one-lives-in-manhattan-the-other-in-a-parable-a-discussion-about-to-and-fro-with-leah-hager-cohen/
- Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein reviews Philosophy and Rabbinic Culture:Jewish interpretation and Controversy in Medieval Languedoc by Gregg Stern on The Rachack Review: https://rachack.blogspot.com/2024/05/philosophy-and-rabbinic-culture-jewish.html
- This month, Life Is Like a Library took a walk through Tel Aviv (and Jaffa) to visit some iconic bookstores: https://lifelibrary-ksp.blogspot.com/2024/06/booking-in-tel-aviv-and-jaffa.html
- At The Whole Megillah | The Writer’s Resource for Jewish Story, Barbara Krasner interviews picture book writers Rich Michelson and Laurie Wallmark about their recent historical books, Rich’s biography of Sydney Taylor, One of a Kind, and Laurie’s immigrant tale, Rivka’s Presents. thewholemegillah.wordpress.com/2024/06/01/two-in-one-authors-notebook-rich-michelson-one-of-a-kind-and-laurie-wallmark-rivkas-presents/
Thank you to all the participants! See you next month.
Thanks so much for hosting!
It’s my pleasure, Erika. Thank you for participating!