Welcome to the February 2024 Jewish Book Carnival. I hope you have a chance to check out these interesting links. Thanks for visiting Jewish Books for Kids…and More!

The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere. Sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries, it is hosted by a different blog each month and shares book reviews, author interviews, essays, and other blog posts about Jewish books. Visit the Jewish Book Carnival HQ for the upcoming schedule, past Carnivals, and to learn how to participate!
- This month Gila interviews author Nancy Ludmerer who explains how a weekend visit to Venice resulted in a promise that took her 15 years to fulfill.
- On The Book of Life Podcast, Heidi Rabinowitz interviews Aviva Rosenberg, Chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee, about the 2024 gold, silver, and bronze medalists. Hear all about the best Jewish kids’ books of the year at https://jewishbooks.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-2024-sydney-taylor-book-awards.html
- On her blog Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah interviewed Jeffrey Herf about his new book, Three Faces of Antisemitism.
- Talia Carner’s personal essay, “Belonging” is published by the JBC: https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/pb-daily/belonging
- On The Rachack Review, Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein reviews Zimzum: God and the Origin of the World by Christoph Schulte: https://rachack.blogspot.com/2024/01/zimzum-god-and-origin-of-world.html
- On her My Machberet blog, Erika Dreifus routinely compiles news of Jewish literary interest. Here’s one recent post.
- Shiloh Musings reviewed Brother’s Keeper, a book in cartoon format about Israel’s War of Independence. It’s for children, but she really enjoyed it.
- Life Is Like a Library literally opens a window, or maybe opens a literary window, to learn more about other cultures: https://lifelibrary-ksp.blogspot.com/2024/02/life-is-like-library.html
- This month included the 2024 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour. Check out the interviews with the winners here: https://jewishlibraries.org/2024-blog-tour-sydney-taylor-book-awards/
Thanks to all the participants. See you next time!
Thanks so much for including my review of Brother’s Keeper.
It’s my pleasure, Batya. Thanks so much for participating.
Thank you very much for hosting. Shabbat shalom!
It’s my pleasure, Erika. Shabbat Shalom!