Welcome to the December 2023 Jewish Book Carnival. I hope you have a chance to check out these interesting links. Thanks for visiting Jewish Books for Kids…and More!

The Jewish Book Carnival is a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere. Sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries, it is hosted by a different blog each month and shares book reviews, author interviews, essays, and other blog posts about Jewish books. Visit the Jewish Book Carnival HQ for the upcoming schedule, past Carnivals, and to learn how to participate!
- Jewish Inspiration at Your Fingertips is a family kiruv magazine which strengthens the connection of the Jewish people by providing a place for all Jews to be exposed to inspiring and meaningful Jewish messages from outstanding personalities from the Jewish world. Join staff member, Hilary Welland Miller, as she reviews “From Meidelach to Matriarchs: A Journal,” written by Mirta Ines Trupp.
- On her blog, Gila Green interviews author Erin Silver about her new children’s book Sitting Shiva.
- On The Book of Life Podcast, there’s lots of Hanukkah fun! A podcast interview with Elissa Brent Weissman about her debut picture book set in New Zealand, HANUKKAH UPSIDE DOWN; a print interview with Lemony Snicket & Lisa Brown about the reissue of THE LATKE WHO COULDN’T STOP SCREAMING, and a game for you to play – HANUKKAH BOOK BINGO!
- The Sydney Taylor Shmooze reviews Jewish kidlit all year long. Here’s a review of the long-awaited book in print and Braille, THIS IS MY SHABBAT by Chris Barash, a picture book from Green Bean Books about a blind boy’s peaceful day of rest. Be sure to keep an eye on https://www.sydneytaylorshmooze.com/ in early January to vote for the 2024 Mock Sydney Taylor Book Award!
- On Jewacious, Lorri M. reviews But You Did Not Come Back, a memoir by Marceline Loridan-Ivens
- Life Is Like a Library spoke with Chaya Bluma Gadenyan, author of Getting Ready for Shabbat: Let’s Make Soup!: https://lifelibrary-ksp.blogspot.com/2023/12/lets-make-soup.html
- On her blog, Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, Deborah interviewed Bonni Goldberg about her new children’s picture book biography, Doña Gracia Saved Worlds.
- Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein reviewed Temptation Transformed: The Story of How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple by Azzan Yadin-Israel, The Musaf Prayer: Background and Commentary by Rabbi Elchanan Adler, and The Jewish Bible: A Material History by David Sternon on The Rachack Review: https://rachack.blogspot.com/2023/12/3-book-reviews.html
- Erika Dreifus recently devoted a post on her My Machberet blog to spotlighting some opportunities for Jewish writers and writing that have imminent deadlines.
Thanks to all the participants. See you in 2024!
Thanks for hosting!
It’s my pleasure. Thank you for participating!
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for participating! It’s a pleasure to host.